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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Will Wright not offended by explicit SPORE creatures

The AP reports that the creator of the SPORE video game that allows users to create their own creatures is not offended by the explicit monsters they create.

He says when you give people control over video games then you have to expect some users will create creatures that resemble human organs...

The game SPORE due to be release on September 7th on Windows PC and Mac lets players create and inhabit their user generated universe. SPORE has been eight years in the making and the maker produced a stand-alone creature creation program released earlier this year.

Electronic Arts EA explain how the game works - the user can evolve their own universe from single cell organism to full civilisations.

Will Wright is famous for his other multi million selling video game simulator series The Sims. It became the best selling video game series of all time on PC and has generated millions of dollars revenue for EA.

You can read the full AP story here...