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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Skyrim Dragon types and information - PC PS3 X360

Dragons randomly appear there is a chance that players have the option of fighting multiple dragons at once. An infinite number of dragons can be fought. Dragons primarily speak the Dragon Language speaking it when they breathe fire at least one dragon can speaking the Common Language. Not every dragon is hostile, and at least one will talk to you!

Black Dragons
On Akavir, the Tsaesci attempted to "consume" the black dragons and drove the dragons to the Empire of Po Tun. This led to a war between the Ka'Po'Tuns and the Tsaesci. During that war the Tsaesci killed most of the dragons. These dragons seem to be the breed resurfacing in Skyrim for unknown reasons.

Fire Dragons
Fire dragons mainly use fire based attacks. All the dragons have unscripted nature. Use ICE attacks to defeat

Frost Dragons
Frost dragons are larger, have a more skeletal appearance, are stronger than fire dragons, and their powers are based on frost attacks. A Frost Dragon's frost attack slows its target's movement.

Green Skinned Dragons
Black with a green glow. Make other creatures attack and become hostile toward player. Uses a frost attack. More powerful than fire or frost dragons. You can tell a green skin by its green lines underside of its wings. You can also tell corrupted creatures by green marks on them.

Blood Dragons
These dragons are very hard to defeat, do not try to run because they will follow you where ever you are. They spit mostly ice. They appear around level 10 and above. They do a lot of damage, so make sure you keep your healing spells and potions at the ready. They can be recognized by their large tail and crowned head.

There is a dragon called Odahviing which the player can befriend. This dragon can be called to aid the player with a dragon shout and even be used against other dragons. The only limitations to this feature are that you cannot call it while inside and it cannot be used constantly.

How powerful a dragon is, is not measured by its element but its color. For example, a white and bronze dragon is notably more potent than a green and brown dragon.

Dragons don’t start appearing until you launch into the main quest, and they gradually increase in frequency as you progress in the main story

Dragon souls are items needed to utilize the words of power used in Dragon shouts. Dragon souls are only obtained by killing a dragon. Because there are 24 shouts with three words each, the player has to kill about 72 dragons in order to be able to perform every shout in their entirety.

Dragons tend to drop medium-high amounts of Gold, depending on the player level. At lower levels they can drop as much as up to 400-500 Gold.

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